Relationships Advent Calendar Day 15 . Gratitude Express

Yeah yeah, been there done that .. but gratitude and appreciation are one of the single most important indicators of our relationships’ resilience ..

So today your task is to think of all the things you’re grateful to your loved ones and colleagues for .. then pick one and make sure you let them know ..

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Relationships Advent Calendar . Day 9 . Spell it out

Words mean a lot to some people and less to others.

If words are important to someone you know why not write them a note to let them know how you feel .. or if you have writer’s block pop into a card shop and find the perfect message.

I’ve decided to take a little more time over my Xmas cards this year, to make my words a bit more personal and to the extra time to think about and appreciate how my relationships have sustained me over the past year.

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Relationships Advent Calendar . Day 8 . Smiley Culture

Have you ever tried walking round smiling all day? Smiling at strangers?

As well as people thinking you’re slightly unhinged I’m sure others will have smiled back, because smiling is infectious!!

Give it a go today, and if you’re wearing a mask, see if you can smile with your eyes.

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Relationships Advent Calendar . Day 7 . Step out of your comfort zone

It’s good to be shifted out of our routines .. once our relationships develop it’s easy to do the same things day to day. But doing new things together stimulates us to feel affection and encourages us to communicate more.

One of the things I’ve noticed about this year’s pandemic is that it’s jolted me out of my habits and forced me to find new ways of doing things. Friendships have deepened and I’ve got to know people in different ways .. who knew one of my colleagues has a chainsaw certificate!!

I invite you to reflect back on what and how you’ve done things differently this year, how that’s affected your relationships with others, and stay open to making this one thing you commit to continuing once all this is past.

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Relationships Advent Calendar . Day 6 . Verbalise

The number one thing that shifts things for people I work with is when they start communicating differently with those around them. Sometimes that’s finding ways to say something difficult in a sightly different way, and often it’s about recognising and taking ownership of our part in an interaction.

Research shows that 5 positive interactions to every 1 more difficult interaction serve to strengthen relationships and make disagreements easier to manage.

So get into good habits .. Tell those around you what they did to make you happy today, whether that’s a ‘good work today’ to staff or a ‘thanks for that yummy meal’ to a family member or waiter.

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Relationships Advent Calendar . Day 5 . The Body Knows the Score

Touch is so important in feeling connected, holding hands, being close, a hug .. this year has been so hard as we haven’t been able to show our affection through hugging and being around each other.

Many people also don’t have the opportunity to touch, people who live alone, maybe working from home at the moment. Studies show that when residents of care homes have affectionate consensual physical contact they report greater wellbeing.

So today how about showing someone you love them by sending a virtual hug, something to snuggle or if you can by using touch to show you care. You can even do this for yourself by wrapping yourself up in a lovely warm blanket and giving yourself a hug.

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Relationships Advent Calendar . Day 4 . Go Deeper

Maybe you text your friends, colleagues and family all the time, but how many of those messages are about your relationship. Using all the opportunities to communicate our appreciation is vital in order to stay connected in the face of the challenges that we face each day.

Text someone to let them know you appreciate the relationship, even if it’s just from the shed or the office next door!

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Relationships Advent Calendar . Day 3 . With Compliments

It’s lovely to hear something nice about ourselves .. and how much nicer when it’s coming from someone we love. Find a reason to compliment someone in your life today, whether it’s how they look, what they do or how they do it.

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Relationships Advent Calendar . Day 2 . The Gift of Gratitude

Sharing gratitude is so important in our relationships and it’s such a shame that it so often gets lost in the busyness of our everyday lives. Stop and think how you might feel if someone thanked you for something you do every day at work for example .. now .. does it feel good?

Your challenge is to give someone in your life the gift of gratitude today .. Thank them for something they do for you today, or simply for being who they are.

Notice the difference that one small action makes, and consider making gratitude a bigger part of your relationships.

#adventcalendar #adventchallenge #relationships #wellbeing

Relationships Advent Calendar Day 15 . Express your Gratitude

Yeah yeah, been there done that .. but gratitude and appreciation are one of the single most important indicators of a relationship’s success ..

So today your task is to think of all the things you’re grateful to your sweetie for .. then pick one and make sure you let them know ..
